Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Family Travel in Pengalengan West Java

While on vacation, you are together with the family would want to visit a place that is cool and natural, with fresh air. If you want to invite your children, then the tourist attractions in Pengalengan, who was in Bandung Culinary Regency is the answer. So many natural tourist attractions are also instructive for you and your family, so that when on holiday, not only the feeling of pleasure is obtained, but also additional insight.

Traditional village Cikondang

One of the places you can visit with family was the village of Indigenous Cikondang. The place is on the slopes of Mount Tilu, and into the village area Lamajang. Here, there are 200 households that are all still adhere to the ancestral customs. Dwelling houses still traditional shaped, and around the sacred forest, where anyone should not damage it. Traditional ceremonies such as Seleh Mapag Taun Taun, apostleship, tirakatan, etc. done routinely. You can do a homestay in people's homes.

Leunca lake

Is an artificial lake built in the Dutch colonial era as a place to supply the needs of water and power plants. Cool place, with a crystal clear lake water and clean well maintained. Today, Leunca lake have become popular tourist attractions, where visitors can do various activities such as:
• Playing rafting.• Air-jetski ria.• Wading lake with traditional boat.• Outbound like flying fox and also a playground for children.
The price of admission for this place is Rp5.000,00 for per person.


Waterfall tour

When you come to Pengalengan specifically to enjoy the beautiful nature, then visit the various waterfalls that exist in this place was the right choice. Not only scenic waterfalls and beautiful Majestik, folk legends surrounding her was worthy to be listened to. Some famous waterfalls in this place is the waterfall Panganten. After paying Rp6.000,00, you can enjoy the view of the waterfall is 50 meters altitude. Legend as a bride and groom who met his end in this place adds a sense of mystery that riveting.

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